Travis DeVault
DeVault Wildlife Lab
The DeVault Wildlife Lab is a research group at the University of Georgia's Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (SREL). We apply behavioral and ecological concepts to problems arising from wildlife-human interactions, especially with regard to understanding and mitigating animal-vehicle collisions and the conservation and ecology of vertebrate scavengers. As such, our research interests span basic ecology to conservation and management. Although much of our work involves birds, our research is question-driven rather than strictly taxonomically-focused. Our work is highly collaborative and interdisciplinary. Welcome to our site, browse these pages, and let us know if you have questions or comments.
SREL, a research unit of the University of Georgia, pursues basic and applied research at multiple levels of ecological organization, from atoms to ecosystems. SREL is located near Aiken, SC, on the Savannah River Site, a Department of Energy facility and the first national environmental research park. Research at SREL extends beyond the site to regional and global projects. To date, the lab has produced more than 3,000 peer-reviewed publications.